- #Android studio 3.0.1 constraintlayout pdf#
- #Android studio 3.0.1 constraintlayout android#
- #Android studio 3.0.1 constraintlayout code#
has an extra closing brace at the end of its last code listing. is missing a period at the end of the last sentence.
’s sample code snippet shows the ConstraintLayout having a height of match_parent, when it should be wrap_content. and 124 both say that a macOS key binding is Command-O, when for this feature (override members dialog), it is Control-O. shows which should be shows the source code for a filtered() function, not the importItems() function that we need. has “we need our items need to survive process termination”, which should be “we need our items to survive process termination”. has a link to “the previous tutorial” that actually links to its own chapter, rather than linking to the previous tutorial. has “the author apologies for not adding ‘SPOILER ALERT’”, which should be “the author apologizes for not adding ‘SPOILER ALERT’”. refers to an alpha version of a library, when we are really using a beta version. has “put it either”, which should be “put it in either”. twice refers to forId(), which should be find(). is missing a period at the end of the sentence that begins “Before, we used an inject()…”. has “the activity or fragment work with”, which should be “the activity or fragment works with”. refers to a Java class, where it is really a Kotlin class. is missing the closing brace in the second code snippet. has “any you try tapping”, which should be “and you try tapping”. The title page shows the version as 0.6 instead of 0.7. failed to include another required dependency: implementation "androidx.lifecycle:lifecycle-livedata-ktx:2.2.0-beta01". has a couple of mistakes in the code listing - refer instead to the final class. is missing a step, one that adds testImplementation ':kotlinx-coroutines-test:1.3.2' to app/adle. #Android studio 3.0.1 constraintlayout android#
has a paragraph warning you about an Android Studio bug about android:onCheckedChanged, but we do not actually add that attribute until page 168. uses this instead of viewLifecycleOwner for the observe() call in the second code snippet. Pages 265-6 has links in the “What We Changed” section that do not work. asks you to change android:inputType to text, but the subsequent code snippets show the earlier value of textPersonName. refers to which should be (no parentheses). refers to version 2.0.0 of the Navigation component, when the code actually uses 2.1.0. refers to a “Legacy” tab, which is now called the “Options” tab. APPLICATION_ID + ".provider" Version 1.0 - December 2019 Private const val AUTHORITY = BuildConfig. shows this as the first parameter to observe(), when it should be viewLifecycleOwner. Pages 434-435 have code snippets that pull from the wrong lines of the actual source file. Pages 268-269 has links in the “What We Changed” section that do not work. has label_created, which should be labelCreated. refers to a package, where it should be just. is missing a line at the bottom of its code listing. Two chapters have the title “Testing a Motor” - the second should be “Testing the Repository”. The inside title page has the copyright range ending in 2019, instead of 2020. , at the bottom, tells you to add two test functions to SingleModelMotorTest, when they really should be added to ToDoRepositoryTest. duplicates some of the material from page 384, starting with the code snippet through to the end of the page. has “our app bar will serve as our app bar”, which should be “our Toolbar will serve as our app bar”. has a duplicate comma (“So,, if you run the app…”). is missing a capital T in “The” in the final section.
has “add another dependencies”, which should be “add another dependency”. has callbackFlow() where it should be channelFlow(). has “for general-purpose object”, which should be “for a general-purpose object”. shows a example using ToDoRepository, when the chapter is focused on testing SingleModelMotor. refers to a call to setVisible() as written, with Kotlin’s Java interop, it would be better to refer to isVisible. refers to Android Studio’s settings being available in the Apple menu on macOS - in reality, they are available via the “Android Studio” > “Preferences…” menu option. has “defintion” instead of “definition”. has “defined a artifact” instead of “defined an artifact”. #Android studio 3.0.1 constraintlayout pdf#
Note: page numbers refer to the page numbers shown on the bottom ofĮach page in the PDF edition of the book.