Android studio 3.0.1 constraintlayout
Android studio 3.0.1 constraintlayout

android studio 3.0.1 constraintlayout
  1. #Android studio 3.0.1 constraintlayout pdf#
  2. #Android studio 3.0.1 constraintlayout android#
  3. #Android studio 3.0.1 constraintlayout code#

  • has an extra closing brace at the end of its last code listing.
  • is missing a period at the end of the last sentence.
  • android studio 3.0.1 constraintlayout

  • ’s sample code snippet shows the ConstraintLayout having a height of match_parent, when it should be wrap_content.
  • and 124 both say that a macOS key binding is Command-O, when for this feature (override members dialog), it is Control-O.
  • shows which should be shows the source code for a filtered() function, not the importItems() function that we need.
  • has “we need our items need to survive process termination”, which should be “we need our items to survive process termination”.
  • has a link to “the previous tutorial” that actually links to its own chapter, rather than linking to the previous tutorial.
  • has “the author apologies for not adding ‘SPOILER ALERT’”, which should be “the author apologizes for not adding ‘SPOILER ALERT’”.
  • refers to an alpha version of a library, when we are really using a beta version.
  • has “put it either”, which should be “put it in either”.
  • twice refers to forId(), which should be find().
  • is missing a period at the end of the sentence that begins “Before, we used an inject()…”.
  • has “the activity or fragment work with”, which should be “the activity or fragment works with”.
  • refers to a Java class, where it is really a Kotlin class.
  • is missing the closing brace in the second code snippet.
  • has “any you try tapping”, which should be “and you try tapping”.
  • The title page shows the version as 0.6 instead of 0.7.
  • failed to include another required dependency: implementation "androidx.lifecycle:lifecycle-livedata-ktx:2.2.0-beta01".
  • has a couple of mistakes in the code listing - refer instead to the final class.
  • is missing a step, one that adds testImplementation ':kotlinx-coroutines-test:1.3.2' to app/adle.
  • #Android studio 3.0.1 constraintlayout android#

  • has a paragraph warning you about an Android Studio bug about android:onCheckedChanged, but we do not actually add that attribute until page 168.
  • uses this instead of viewLifecycleOwner for the observe() call in the second code snippet.
  • Pages 265-6 has links in the “What We Changed” section that do not work.
  • asks you to change android:inputType to text, but the subsequent code snippets show the earlier value of textPersonName.
  • refers to which should be (no parentheses).
  • refers to version 2.0.0 of the Navigation component, when the code actually uses 2.1.0.
  • refers to a “Legacy” tab, which is now called the “Options” tab.
  • APPLICATION_ID + ".provider" Version 1.0 - December 2019 Private const val AUTHORITY = BuildConfig.
  • shows this as the first parameter to observe(), when it should be viewLifecycleOwner.
  • Pages 434-435 have code snippets that pull from the wrong lines of the actual source file.
  • Pages 268-269 has links in the “What We Changed” section that do not work.
  • has label_created, which should be labelCreated.
  • refers to a package, where it should be just.
  • is missing a line at the bottom of its code listing.
  • Two chapters have the title “Testing a Motor” - the second should be “Testing the Repository”.
  • The inside title page has the copyright range ending in 2019, instead of 2020.
  • , at the bottom, tells you to add two test functions to SingleModelMotorTest, when they really should be added to ToDoRepositoryTest.
  • duplicates some of the material from page 384, starting with the code snippet through to the end of the page.
  • has “our app bar will serve as our app bar”, which should be “our Toolbar will serve as our app bar”.
  • has a duplicate comma (“So,, if you run the app…”).
  • is missing a capital T in “The” in the final section.
  • android studio 3.0.1 constraintlayout

  • has “add another dependencies”, which should be “add another dependency”.
  • has callbackFlow() where it should be channelFlow().
  • has “for general-purpose object”, which should be “for a general-purpose object”.
  • shows a example using ToDoRepository, when the chapter is focused on testing SingleModelMotor.
  • refers to a call to setVisible() as written, with Kotlin’s Java interop, it would be better to refer to isVisible.
  • refers to Android Studio’s settings being available in the Apple menu on macOS - in reality, they are available via the “Android Studio” > “Preferences…” menu option.
  • has “defintion” instead of “definition”.
  • has “defined a artifact” instead of “defined an artifact”.
  • #Android studio 3.0.1 constraintlayout pdf#

    Note: page numbers refer to the page numbers shown on the bottom ofĮach page in the PDF edition of the book.

    Android studio 3.0.1 constraintlayout